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Physics of the Environment
The LABORATORY OF ENVIRONMENT PHYSICS is part of the DEPARTMENT OF WORK ATMOSPHERE AND ENVIRONMENT and includes specialists of high qualification and experience in the areas of: microclimate, lightening and non-ionizing radiations.
The Laboratory, having excellent equipment and specialists, substantiates the physical processes having an impact on the environment and finds solutions to reduce the hazards (microclimate, lightening, non-ionizing radiations) and increase health and safety at the work places.
The research and development activities are based on research partnerships within national and international projects or direct contracts with companies.
Each research work is based on:
- Appropriate analysis of the technological and work process;
- Development of various works as for the study of physical parameters (microclimate, lightening, non-ionizing radiations);
- Collaboration with institutions of higher education and research institutes within the new assimilation and elaboration technology programs.
The members of the Laboratory have basic degrees in physics and engineering with further training in post university studies, PhDs, masters, and are active participants in national and international scientific events in the mentioned area.
Part of the works published by the specialists of the environment physics are listed here.
The Laboratory monitors the following risk factors:
I. Microclimate
The microclimate represents the component of the physical environment including temperatures, humidity, speed of air draughts and intensity of caloric radiations that characterize the air condition within a confined work place or in the neighborhood of some technical systems placed in such space.
Microclimate effects at the work place:
a) They influence workers’ safety, health and work capacity whenever the parameters are outside the comfort limits of regulation in use.
b) They include: air temperature and humidity, speed of air draughts, surface temperature and caloric radiations emitted in the work zone.
Work methods: standard
Work techniques: real time analysis with electrochemical sensors
Measuring methods: real time determination of microclimate parameter concentrations: temperature, humidity, sped of air draughts, intensity of caloric radiations
Interpretation of outcomes: as for observing the recommended limits of the standards in use.
- Develop applicative studies and researches to prevent and control the risks of accident and occupational diseases specific to microclimate parameters in the work environment;
- Assess microclimate at the work place;
- Elaborate preventive and protection measures for the identified risk factors;
- Elaborate technical and organizational solutions to improve work places as for microclimate at the work place;
- Carry out technological transfer to companies that apply research findings related to microclimate at the work place;
- Provide consultancy and assistance to companies.
II. Lightening
Lightening is the most important element of the visual environment. An efficient quality lightening provides increased productivity and higher degree of safety and comfort.
Lightening is essential for an appropriate development of the work process. The inappropriate conditions of natural and artificial lightening, besides resulting in eye disorders, bring about a decrease in physical and intellectual ability.
- Develop studies and researches on the effects of optical radiation on human body;
- Asses integrated lightening at the work place;
- Asses integrated lightening of machines and work place level;
- Optimize lightening at the work place;
- Provide consultancy and assistance to companies.
III. Non-ionizing radiations (electromagnetic fields)
Both work environment and everyday life expose people to electromagnetic fields of various frequencies and intensities. The most frequent sources of electromagnetic fields are electrical equipment, radio and TV sets, office equipment, home appliances. In the work environment the sources of electromagnetic fields are again the electro-thermal equipment and medical devices.
Human exposure to electromagnetic fields can be the cause of ill health and accidents. Moreover, the use of electrical and electronic equipment can result in phenomena of interference.
- Identify sources generating electromagnetic fields;
- Measure and assess electromagnetic fields in the work atmosphere and environment;
- Develop applicative studies and researches to prevent and control the risks of accident and occupational diseases specific to electromagnetic fields of the work atmosphere;
- Provide consultancy and assistance to companies.
TESTING EQUIPMENT: TESTO 435, Microtherm Heat Stress WBGT-CASELLA, Digital Hygro-Thermometer- Anemometer-Datalogger - HTA 4200 model, Luxmeter TESTO 545, Radiation meters for isotropic measurement of electromagnetic fields, EMR – 300, BN 2244/31-NARDA, Field detector.
The equipment includes maintenance and metrological check program.