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Certification Body
Aims and Objectives
During its whole activity of certifying the product quality, including the tests in accordance with the standards in force, the concerns of the ICSPM-CS certification body are to:
- Issue certificates of high quality;
- Meet the requirements of the standard and regulation of the area in force;
- Allocate the necessary resources;
- Apply procedures leading to certifications that satisfy applicants’ as well as beneficiaries’ expectations;
- Provide reliability of the developed activity;
- Apply an efficient and competent quality system so that OC ICSPM is acknowledged at national and international scale.
Objective on quality
The ICSP- CS certification body objectives on quality are to:
- apply procedures harmonized with the European ones;
- extend the area of competence by certifying the WE and PPE projects, models, lots or production not covered by technical regulations and European directives with procedures specific to the unregulated certification system at some clients’ request (users, suppliers etc.)
- organize and manage its own quality system in accordance with the requirements of the standard SR EN 45011 and accreditation body at the national level;
- settle protocols of mutual acknowledgement with European and international certification bodies in the unregulated area in order to acknowledge the testing reports, audit reports, expertise reports, certificates of conformity for products or quality providing system under the OC ICSPM – CS mark in order to support the Romanian industry to get over some technical barriers of international trade;
- lay down clear, correct and realistic requirements that are under control and put them at the disposal of certified WE and PPE manufacturers/importers/authorized distributors or those who require certification;
- manage a non-discriminatory certification system imposing no conditions for access to certification in connection with the product origin (country or import), form of property or size of the economic agent and imposing no negotiable financial requirements;
- adopt decisions on certification taking into account the balanced opinion of all interested parties;
- provide a policy that is clearly expressed and understood, effectively implemented, maintained and improved;
- control the technical, administrative and human factors influencing the quality of its own activities and involve the whole staff in developing the policy on quality;
- train continuously its own specialists and attest them as system auditors;
- lead actions towards quality assurance mainly aiming at preventing, reducing and eliminating the ascertained non-conformities .