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Publicații ale institutului
Cărţi ştiinţifice publicate în ţară:
- Securitate şi sănătate în muncă – DEX – Dr. ing. Ştefan Pece, ec. Aurelia Dăscălescu, Ed. GENICOD, Bucureşti, 2001, ISBN 973-85391-2-9
- Metode şi instalaţii de neutralizare a poluanţilor atmosferici acizi - Dr. Ing. Steluţa Nisipeanu, editura LIBRA, Bucureşti, 2001, ISBN 973-99914-3-2
- Managementul securităţii şi sănătăţii în muncă – Prof. Univ. Dr. Ing. Alexandru Darabont, Dr. Ing. Ştefan Pece, Dr. Ec. Aurelia Dascalescu, Ed. AGIR, Bucureşti, 2001, ISBN 973-8130-54-9;
- Implementarea managementului securităţii şi sănătăţii în muncă - Dr. Ing. Steluţa Nisipeanu, ing. Raluca Stepa, Editura Libra, ISBN 973-8327-54-7, Bucureşti, 2003
- Auditarea de securitate şi sănătate în muncă - Dr. Ing. Doru Darabont, editura Virom, Constanţa 2005, ISBN 973-7995-02-9
- Evaluarea riscurilor în sistemul om-maşină – Dr. Ing. Ştefan Pece, Editura Atlas Press, Bucureşti, 2003, 973-86192-5-4
- Impactul poluarii industriale asupra mediului de munca si a celui inconjurator, decembrie 2010 - Gilda Rusu-Zagăr, ISBN 978-973-0-09197-7
- Ghid de securitate si sanatate in munca in sectorul HORECA (carte)OEDI -INCDPM ISBN 978-606-602-185-2INCDPM 2011POSDRU/81/3.2/S/55075- Stefan Pece, Viorica Petreanu, Mihaela Seracin, Anca Antonov, Anda Corina Hionis, Georgeta Buica, Silviu Nicolae Platon, Florentina Poruschi, Virginia Hentulescu, Emilia Dobrescu, Gilda Rusu Zagar, Steluța Nisipeanu, Mihaela Tripcovici Soviani
- Implementarea legislatie in domeniul securitatii si sanatatii in munca in sectorul HORECA (carte)OEDI -INCDPM ISBN 978-606-602-184-5 INCDPM 2011POSDRU/81/3.2/S/55075- Stefan Pece, Viorica Petreanu, Mihaela Seracin, Anca Antonov, Anda Corina Hionis, Georgeta Buica, Silviu Nicolae Platon, Florentina Poruschi, Virginia Hentulescu, Emilia Dobrescu, Gilda Rusu Zagar, Steluța Nisipeanu, Mihaela Tripcovici Soviani
Cărţi ştiinţifice publicate în străinătate:
- Instalaţii de ventilare şi de condiţionare a aerului - Dr. Ing. Victor Voicu, Editura Tehnică, Bucureşti, 2001, ISBN 973-31-1300;
- Combaterea noxelor în industrie - Dr. Ing. Victor Voicu, Editura Tehnică, Bucureşti, 2003, ISBN 973-31-2130-4
- Ghid metodologic pentru prevenirea riscurilor legate de expunerea la agenţi chimici, elaborat în cadrul Programului Twinning Franţa -România, editor Inspectia Muncii http:/, 2003 – participanţi în colectivul de elaborare
- The White book of open and at distance learning, ISBN 978-606-14-0217-5, Universitaria Craiova ,S.Kovacs, George Apostol , E.Doval and colaborator
- Legionella and legionnaires’ disease: a policy overview, ISBN: 978-92-9191-488-3 European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA), Publications Office of the European Union Katalin Sas, Spyros Dontas, Afroditi Daikou, Irma Rizakou, Evita Katagi, Irini Mourelatou, Raluca Aurora Stepa, Gilda Rusu Zagar, Maria Haiducu, Raluca Maria Iordache, Emilia Paba, Antonella Mansi, Ellen-Schmitz-Felten,Marjan Bilban, Maja Metelko, Saša Žebovec, Brian Cook, Helena Scaife, Ferenc Kudasz
- Safety and Health Guide for HORECA Sector, 978-606-185-2, Mihaela Tripcovici, Ionel Iorga, Ștefan Pece,.Virginia Hențulescu Corina Hionis, Georgeta Buică, Emilia Dobrescu,Steluța Nisipeanu,Silviu Platon,Viorica Petreanu Florentina Poruschi Mihaela Seracin, Silviu Nicolae Platon, Gilda Rusu Zagăr
- Past, present and Future for Romanian Research in OSH ,through Inter-European Cooperation, Abstracts of the XIX World Congress on Safety and health at Work, ISBN 987-975-455-167-9 Stefan G Kovacs
- Diagnosis and maintenance in the spectrum of vibrations, universal machine for sharpening and grinding,, ISBN 978-80-553-0846-3, 2011, pp.135-242, Proceedings in Manufacturing Systems, Robtep 2011 (Rocnik11), Kosice, Slovacia D., F., Niculescu, A., Olaru, G., Pătraşcu, A., D., Tufan,
Lucrări științifice/tehnice cotate sau indexate de Institutul Internațional de Statistică (ISI):
Nr. crt. | Titlul | Revista | Autorii | |
2015 | ||||
| Increasing the performance in the public health sector through approach of the Europe 2020 strategy – social responsibility according to ISO 26000 | Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, 2016 *)
| Daniela Mănuc ,Doru Costin Darabont Steluţa Elisabeta Nisipeanu ,Elena Ruxandra Chiurtu Agripina Raşcu | |
2. | Managerial approach of occupational safety and health according to ISO 45001 in the public health sector | Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, 2016 *) | Daniela Manuc Steluţa Elisabeta Nisipeanu Ruxandra Chiurtu Agripina Rascu
| |
3. | Reducing noise polution generate by the gas compresor compresco cj 360 in a residential area | Applied Mechanics and Materials vol. 801, 2015 | Silviu Nicolae Platon Adriana Tudor | |
4. | Preventing and reducing the risk of occupational deafness in working environment with explosive potential
| Environmental Engineering and Management Journal-2016 *)INSEMEX, Symposium on Occupational Health and Safety - SESAM 2015, publicat în Proceedings, International Symposium Occupational Health and Safety SESAM 2015, 7th Edition, vol.2, p.393-402, ISSN 1843-6226 | Silviu-Nicolae Platon Adriana Tudor Doru-Costin Darabont | |
5. | Simulation of methane landfill emissions to evaluate the influence of geosynthetic materials used in landfill capping
| Environmental Engineering and Management Journal-2016 *)INSEMEX, Symposium on Occupational Health and Safety - SESAM 2015, publicat în Proceedings, International Symposium Occupational Health and Safety SESAM 2015, 7th Edition, vol.2, p.467-474, ISSN 1843-6226 | Raluca Aurora Ştepa Maria Haiducu Doru-Costin Darabont | |
6. | Tools for prevention of occupational risks for SME’s - a prerequisite for improving productivity of SMEs through healthy workplaces | Environmental Engineering and Management Journal 2016 | Anca Elena Antonov Georgeta Buică Doru Costin Darabont Constantin Beiu | |
7 | “Vibratory behavior evaluation in dynamic, al spindle machining Centers MCV300 FIRST”, “International Conference on Cyber Systems in the fields of Aerospace, Robotics, Mechanical Engineering, Manufacturing Systems, Biomechanics, Biomechatronics, Neurorehabilitation and Human motricities” | OPTIROB 2015, the 10th Edition, Romania, Jupiter, 27-30 June 2015, Art. cotat ISI. | G., Stoian,Gradinariu, D., F., Niculescu, I., Gradinariu, A., Olaru, C., F., Bisu, | |
8 | Research and Development Regarding a Safety and Occupational Health Avatar as an it Companion for Employees in an Optimal Safety Culture
| John The Employee*)
| S.Kovacs | |
2014 | ||||
1. | Application of specific models and software for identification, assessment and prevention of Occupational risks in the Romanian healthcare sector | Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, June 2014, Vol.13, No. 6, 1537-1541, | Steluţa Elisabeta Nisipeanu,Ştefan Pece Iulian Mădălin Ivan,Elena Ruxandra Chiurtu, Maria Haiducu Daniela Mănuc | |
2. | Modern methods to prevent occupational diseases for workers and reducing biological risk factors in museums
| Conference Proceedings SGEM2014 Book1, Vol.2, ISBN 978-619-7105-23-0/ ISSN 2367-5659, pag.521-526 DOI: 10.5593/sgemsocial2014B12 Section: Sociology and Healthcare | Maria Haiducu, Raluca Stepa Steluţa Nisipeanu ,Iuliana Scarlat Ioana Stănculescu, Valentin Moise | |
3. | Prevention of noise exposure risk in working environment using noise mapping | Environmental Engineering and Management Journal – Gh. Asachi Technical University of Iaşi , 2014 | Silviu Nicolae Platon Corina Anda Hionis
| |
4. | Application of specific models and software for identification, assessment and prevention of occupational risks in the Romanian healthcare sector, 2014 | Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, June 2014, Vol.13, No. 6, 1537-1541, | Steluţa Elisabeta Nisipeanu Ştefan Pece Iulian Mădălin Ivan Elena Ruxandra Chiurtu Maria Haiducu Daniela Mănuc | |
| Prevention of noise exposure risk in working environment using noise mapping , 2014 | Environmental Engineering and Management Journal – Gh. Asachi Technical University of Iaşi, June 2014 | Corina Anda Hionis Silviu Nicolae Platon | |
| “The Romanian Version of the Copenhagen Psychosocial Questionnaire – Short Report”
| Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences, 149(2014), 424-427 | Raluca Iordache Viorica Petreanu | |
7. | Avoiding working accidents by the calculation of short-circuit currents in isolated neutral system over 1 KV. Case studies | Environmental Engineering and Management Journal June 2014, Vol.13, No. 6, 1355-1360 | Constantin Beiu, Georgeta Buica, Cornel Toader | |
8. | Management and control of occupational risk related to maintenance activities of work equipment in companies by using software tools | Environmental Engineering and Management Journal June 2014, Vol.13, No. 6, 1361-1364 | Anca Elena Antonov Georgeta Buica Constantin Beiu
| |
9 | Proceedings of ICVL 2014, Bucharest University Press (ISSN 1844 - 8933, ISI Virtual Learning - Virtual Reality ,Models and Methodologies ,Technologies and Software Solutions, pg. 122-130 | EDUWORK- (e)-learning at work | Stefan G Kovacs | |
2013 | ||||
1. | Electrochemical Behavior of Some Zinc Galvanizing Steels, | Revista Metalurgia International, Vol. XVIII (2013), Special Issue No. 5, ISSN 1582-2214, pg.79-84 | Nicolae Ghiban Maria Haiducu Brânduşa Ghiban ,Victor Geanta Radu Ştefanoiu, | |
2. | Atmospheric Corrosion Behavior of Some Zinc Galvanizing Steels | Metalurgia International, Vol. XVIII (2013), Special Issue No. 6, ISSN 1582-2214, pg. 39-98 | Brânduşa Ghiban ,Maria Haiducu Radu Boiciuc, Nicolae Ghiban, Revista | |
3. | “Assessment of Work Stress Influence on Work Productivity in Romanian Companies” | Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences 92(2013), 420-425 | Viorica Petreanu, Raluca Iordache Mihaela Seracin | |
4. | Identificarea riscurilor de zgomot şi vibraţii în sectorul construcţii | Volum Simpozion SESAM 2013; ISSN -1843-6226 | Silviu Platon ,Corina Hionis | |
2012 | ||||
| Good practices and trends in labor organizations at European level | Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, July 2012, vol. 11, no. 7, pag. 1261-1265, ISSN 1582-9596, cotată ISI | Steluţa Nisipeanu,Maria Haiducu Ruxandra Chiurtu,Maria Rus – INCDPM Raluca Ştepa – KOOP Hamburg | |
| Establishing the irradiation dose for paper decontamination | Radiation Physics and Chemistry, Vol. 81, Issue 8, August 2012, pg 1045-1050 | I. V. Moise ,M.Virgolici,C. D. Negut M. Manea,M.Alexandru,,L. Trandafir F. L. Zorila,C.M. Talasman,D. Manea, ,S. Nisipeanu,,M.Haiducu, Z. Balan | |
3. | Safety measures – tools for reducing the cost of working accidents in electrical installations | Environmental Engineering and Management Journal July 2012, Vol.11, No. 7, 1247-1255 | Georgeta Buica Anca Elena Antonov Constantin Beiu Ionel Iorga | |
4. | Establishing the State of Operation on Vibration Behavior of Industrial Robot | Online available since 2012/Jun/14 at ©Trans TechPublications, Switzerland,, AMM.186. 247, 2012, pp. 247-253, Art.cotat ISI | D., F., Niculescu M., Vagaš, A. Olaru H. Mikulas A. Ghionea | |
5. | Contributions and maintenance assessment behavior vibratory milling machining centers | Conference proceedings of the Academy of Romanian Scientists PRODUCTICA Scientific Session, ISSN 2067-2160, 09 Mai 2014 | D., F., Niculescu G., Gradinariu C.,F., Bisu M., Zapciu | |
2011 | ||||
1 | Establishing the irradiation dose for paper decontamination
| IMRP 2011 – 16th International Meeting on Radiation Processing
| Ioan Valentin Moise, Constantin Daniel Negut, Marian Virgolici, Mihaela Manea, Mioara Alexandru, Laura Trandafir, Florina Lucica Zorila, Catalina Mihaela Talasman, Daniela Manea, Steluta Nisipeanu, Maria Haiducu, Zamfir Balan | |
2 | Diagnosis and Predictive Maintenance Of Machinery And Equipment, By Measuring Vibration, | Proceedings of 2011 International Conference on Mechanical Engineering, Robotics and Aerospace (ICMERA 2011), ISSN: 2010-460X, Bucharest, Romania, 20-22 October, 2011, pp. 261-266,
| D., F., Niculescu, A., Ghionea and A., Olaru | |
3. | Usage of social networks in order to boost and improve safety around the younger workers | Hazards XXII, Process Safety and Environmental Protection,Liverpool 11-14 April 2011, ISBN: 9780852955475
| Stefan G.Kovacs and Elena Doval |
Lucrări științifice/tehnice indexate în baze de date internaționale
Nr. crt. | Titlul | Revista | Autorii |
2015 | |||
1. | Simulation of methane landfill emissions to evaluate the influence of geosynthetic materials used in landfill capping | Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, 2016 | Raluca Aurora Ștepa Maria Haiducu Doru Costin Darabont |
2. | Increasing the performance in the public health sector through approach of the Europe 2020 strategy – social responsibility according to ISO 26000 | Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, 2016
| Daniela Mănuc Doru Costin Darabont Steluţa Nisipeanu Elena Ruxandra Chiurtu Agripina Raşcu |
3. | Managerial approach of occupational safety and health according to ISO 45001 in the public health sector | Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, 2016 | Daniela Manuc Steluta Nisipeanu Ruxandra Chiurtu Agripina Rascu
4. | Cercetări Privind Mentenanaţa Sigură – Lucrători în Deplină Securitate (Research on Safe Maintenance - Complete Safety for Workers) | Impactul transformărilor socio-economice și tehnologice la nivel national, european si mondial / 08.10. 2015; Nr.7/2015, Vol.7. Cotat: BDI, Available at SSRN:; pp.72-87 | D., F., Niculescu
5. | Contributions to reduce the cost of using industrial equipment based on predictive maintenance | Conference Prosedings of the Academy of Romanian Scientists PRODUCTICA Scinetific Session, ISSN 2067-2160, Vol. 7, Nr. 1/2015, 29 Mai 2015, UPB, Bucureşti, publicat [on-line], disponibil pe, în curs de indexare BDI | D., F., Niculescu
6. | Cercetări experimentale pentru evaluarea vibratorie a pompelor centrifugale pentru reducerea costurilor de mentenanţă | A III-a Ediţie a Conferinţei Impactul transformărilor socio-economice şi tehnologice la nivel naţional,european şi mondial din cadrul proiectului POSDRU/159/1.5/S/140106, IEM- Turnu Severin, 27.02.2015, Publicat în Volumul IV -2015, IEM, Cotat: BDI, pp.175-185,; Dan Florin.pdf | D., F., Niculescu
7. | “Vibratory behavior evaluation in dynamic, al spindle machining Centers MCV300 FIRST”, “International Conference on Cyber Systems in the fields of Aerospace, Robotics, Mechanical Engineering, Manufacturing Systems, Biomechanics, Biomechatronics, Neurorehabilitation and Human motricities” | OPTIROB 2015, the 10th Edition, Romania, Jupiter, 27-30 June 2015, Art. cotat ISI. | G., Stoian,Gradinariu, D., F., Niculescu, I., Gradinariu, A., Olaru, C., F., Bisu, |
8. | Conference Prosedings of the Academy of Romanian Scientists | PRODUCTICA Scinetific Session, ISSN 2067-2160, Vol. 7, Nr. 1/2015, Mai 2015. | D., F., Niculescu, G., Stoian, Gradinariu, M., Zapciu, S., Croitoru, |
9. | PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT AND OCCUPATIONAL STRESS | BULETINUL INSTITUTULUI POLITEHNIC DIN IASI Publicat de Universitatea Tehnicã „Gheorghe Asachi” din Iasi Tomul LXI (LXV), Fasc. 12, 2015, Secţia Secţia Ştiinta şi ingineria materialelor, ISSN 1453-1690, Cotare CNSIS B+
| Poruschi Florentina, Virginia Hențulescu Alina - Manuela Stanciu National Research and Development Institute of Occupational Safety „Alexandru Darabont” |
10 | Dynamic behavior evaluation of the spindle of milling machine FIRST MCV 300 | Conference Prosedings of the Academy of Romanian Scientists PRODUCTICA Scinetific Session, ISSN 2067-2160, Vol. 7, Nr. 1/2015, 29 Mai 2015, UPB, Bucureşti, [on-line], publicat disponibil pe, în curs de indexare BDI. | D., F., Niculescu
2014 | |||
1. | Application of specific models and software for identification, assessment and prevention of Occupational risks in the Romanian healthcare sector | Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, June 2014, Vol.13, No. 6, 1537-1541, | Steluţa Nisipeanu Ştefan Pece, Iulian Mădălin Ivan Elena Ruxandra Chiurtu Maria Haiducu Daniela Mănuc |
2. | Modern methods to prevent occupational diseases for workers and reducing biological risk factors in museums
| Conference Proceedings SGEM 2014 Book1, Vol.2, ISBN 978-619-7105-23-0/ ISSN 2367-5659, pag.521-526 DOI:10.5593/sgemsocial2014B12 Section: Sociology and Healthcare | Maria Haiducu Raluca Stepa Steluţa Nisipean Iuliana Scarlat Ioana Stănculescu Valentin Moise |
3. | Noise control on locomotive driver workingstation | The Romanian Journal of Acoustics and Vibration , 2014 | Silviu-Nicolae Platon Adriana Tudor |
4. | Current research on the effects of electromagnetic field on living organisms | Applied and Theoretical Electricity (ICATE), 2014 International Conference on INSPEC Accession Number: 1479156 | Mircea, P.-M. Toader, C. ; Golovanov, N. ; Beiu, C. |
5. | Contributions and maintenance assessment behavior vibratory milling machining centers, CNC FIRST MCV 300 – CNC | Conference Prosedings of the Academy of Romanian Scientists PRODUCTICA Scinetific Session, ISSN 2067-2160, Volume 6, Number 1/2014, 09 Mai 2014, pp.179-188, | D., F., Niculescu, G., Gradinariu, C., F., Bisu, M., Zapciu |
2013 | |||
1. | Electrochemical Behavior of Some Zinc Galvanizing Steels, | Revista Metalurgia International, Vol. XVIII (2013), Special Issue No. 5, ISSN 1582-2214, pg.79-84 | Nicolae Ghiban Maria Haiducu Brânduşa Ghiban,Victor Geanta Radu Stefanoiu |
2. | Atmospheric Corrosion Behavior of Some Zinc Galvanizing Steels, | Metalurgia International, Vol. XVIII (2013), Special Issue No. 6, ISSN 1582-2214, pg. 39-98 | Brânduşa Ghiban ,Maria Haiducu Radu Boiciuc Nicolae Ghiban, |
3. | Integrated Risk Management, a Common Challenge to Research and Economic Environment | Romanian Review Precision Mechanics, Optics & Mecatronics . 2013, Issue 44, p73-77. 5p. | Raluca Stepa ,Steluta Nisipeanu Maria Haiducu |
4. | Integrating Risk Management in the General Management of RDI Institutions | Romanian Review Precision Mechanics, Optics & Mecatronics . 2013, Issue 44, p56-59. 4p. | Steluta Nisipeanu Maria Haiducu Raluca Stepa |
5. | Social Responsibility in the Romanian Medical Sector | Journal of Economics and Business Research, ISSN 2068-3537, Year XIX, No. 2, 2013, pg. 141-153, | Steluţa Nisipeanu, Raluca Aurora Ştepa Maria Haiducu Elena Ruxandra Chiurtu |
6. | Corrosion Resistance of Some Zinc Galvanizing Steels | U.P.B Buletin Stiintific, Seria B, Vol. 75, Numarul 3, 2013, ISSN 1454-2331 ( cotata CNCSIS B+) | Maria Haiducu Brânduşa Ghiban Nicolae Ghiban Florin Miculescu |
7. | Noise and vibration risk control in construction sector | The Proceedings of the symposium, Sesam 2013 - vol.2, ISSN 1843-6226; | Silviu Nicolae Platon. Daniel Badea Adriana Tudor |
8. | Collecting and retaining contaminants exhausted at steel manufacturing | The Proceedings of the Symposium sesam 2013, vol.2, ISSN 1843-6226 | Daniel Badea, Silviu Platon Adriana Tudor ,Ionelia Ciocan |
9. | Acoustic presentation of the Historical Center of Bucharest and noise mapping the area for public information regarding attractiveness of the city | | Adriana Tudor, Silviu Platon |
10. | Vulnerability Analysis and Return on Prevention Analysis, Course No V-R37 VA&PA, European Master of Risk Engineering and Management and the respective. Professional Certification Program | Stuttgart, Steinbeis Edition, mai 2013
| Ştefan Kovacs |
11. | Vulnerability Analysis and management-a step forwards towards improving the optimal management of new and emerging risks, iNTeg-Risk 5 th Conference, May 2013 | Stuttgart, Steinbeis Edition, mai 2013 | Ştefan Kovacs |
12. | VE-R38 IRP:Industrial Risk Psychology” Professional Certification Program | Stuttgart, Steinbeis Edition, mai 2013 | George APOSTOL |
13. | Evaluation of vibratory behavior and maintenance for misalignment of centrifugal pumps. | Conf. INCER.EU, 2012, U.P.B. Sci. Bull., Series A, Vol. 75, Iss. 2, 2013 ISSN 1454-2358, (Seria D mecanică Nr.2/2013 ) 2013, pp. 119-128 | D., F., Niculescu M., Vagaš, AD., Tufan |
14. | Contributions on availability and vibration behaviour of centrifugal pumps according predictive maintenance, | Conference Proceedings of the Academy of Romanian Scientists, Bucharest, Romania, 2013, ISSN 2067-2160, Volume 5, Number 1/2013 | D., F., Niculescu, A., Ghionea M., Zapciu, A., Olaru, |
15. | Research on vibratory behavior assessment and maintenance of drilling and threading machine VA20A, | Proceedings of 2013 International Conference on Mechanical Engineering, Robotics and Aerospace (ICMERA 2013), ISSN web: 1660 - 7482, Bucharest, Romania, 24 -27 October, 2013, Art. cotat ISI,, pp. 85 - 91 | M., Hajduk D., F., Niculescu A., Olaru, M., Vagaš A., Ghionea |
16. | Assisted research of the centrifugal pump’s vibration behavior, Proceedings of 2013 | International Conference on Mechanical Engineering, Robotics and Aerospace (ICMERA 2013), ISSN web: 1660 - 7482, Bucharest, Romania, 24-27 October, 2013, Art. cotat ISI,, pp.205 – 212 | D., F., Niculescu A., Olaru A., Ghionea M., Hajduk M., Vagaš |
2012 | |||
1. | Good practices and trends in labor organizations at European level | Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, July 2012, vol. 11, no. 7, pag. 1261-1265, ISSN 1582-9596, cotată ISI | S. E. Nisipeanu, M. Haiducu ,R.E. Chiurtu M.A. Rus – INCDPM Raluca Ştepa – KOOP Hamburg |
2. | Evaluation of vibratory behavior and maintenance of centrifugal pumps, Conference Proceedings of the Academy of Romanian Scientists | PRODUCTICA Scientific Session ISSN 2067 - 2160, Volume 4, Number 1 , 2012, pp. 103-110 | D., F., Niculescu ,A., D., Tufan F., Iordache M., Zapciu. A., Ghionea A., Olaru, |
3. | AIR PERMEABILITY AND THERMAL PERFORMANCE | BULETINUL INSTITUTULUI POLITEHNIC DIN IASI Publicat de Universitatea Tehnicã „Gheorghe Asachi” din Iasi Tomul LIX (LXIII), Fasc. 4, 2013, Secţia TEXTILE. PIELÃRIE, pag. 57-62, ISSN 1454-3265, Cotare CNSIS B+ | Florentina Poruschi National Research and Development Institute of Occupational Safety „Alexandru Darabont” Daniela Fărîmă “Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iasi, Faculty of Textiles & Leather Engineering and Industrial Management |
2011 | |||
1 | Implementation and promotion of social responsible behavior in organizations in the context of ISO 26000
| Buletinul institutului Politehnic din Iasi, Publicat de Universitatea Tehnică „Gheorghe Asachi” din Iaşi, Tomul LVII (LXI), Fasc. 4, 2011, Secţia ŞTIINŢA ŞI INGINERIA MATERIALELOR, pag. 29-35, Editura Politehnium, ISSN 1453-1690, cotat CNCSIS B+ | Steluta Nisipeanu, Raluca Stepa,.Ruxandra Chiurtu, Chim. Maria Haiducu |
2 | The implementation impact of ISO 26000 in Romania in companies from energy
| Proceedings of the International Conference on Manufacturing Science and Education - MSE June, 2011- Sibiu, vol. II, pag. 367- 370, Editura Universităţii Lucian Blaga din Sibiu, ISSN 1843-2522 | Steluta Nisipeanu, Raluca Stepa,Ruxandra Chiurtu, Maria Haiducu |
3 | CSR contribution to sustainable development in the energetic sector
| Journal of Sustainable Energy , Romania Vol. 2, nr. 2, 2011, ISSN:2067-5534, Index Copernicus - Ulrich's Update - Periodicals Directory – DOAJ – Directory of Open Acces | Steluta Nisipeanu - INCDPM, Damian G.S., ICEMENERG, Cârţână C.,CURS, Bantaş A.,, Serafim A., ICEMENERG |
4 | Intarirea capacitatii administrative prin investitii in infrastructura IT |
| Steluța Nisipeanu, Maria Haiducu |
5 | Model for control of indoor air quality in an industrial environment, Romanian Reports, factor impact 0,494: indice rapiditate citari 0,119. Volume 63. Number 1, P 196-207 | Romanian Reports in Physics
| Rusu-Zagăr G , Filip L., Stefan S., Stepa R., |
6 | “Noise exposure in music and entertainment sector. Possibilities for control” | Romanian Journal of Acoustics and Vibration, ISSN 1584-7284 | Silviu Platon |
8 | Past, present and Future for Romanian Research in OSH ,through Inter-European Cooperation, | Abstracts of the XIX World Congress on Safety and health at Work, Building a Global Culture of Prevention for a Healthy and Safe Future, September 11-15, Istanbul, ISBN 987-975-455-167-9
| Stefan G.Kovacs |
9 | Diagnosis and maintenance in the spectrum of vibrations, universal machine for sharpening and grinding | Proceedings in Manufacturing Systems, Robtep 2011 (Rocnik11), Kosice, Slovacia , ISBN 978-80-553-0846-3, 2011, pp.135-242. | D., F., Niculescu, A., Olaru, G., Pătraşcu, A., D., Tufan |
10 | Metodika merania vibrácií na robote KUKA (Methodology measurement of vibrations on KUKA robot), Robtep 2011 (Rocnik11), | TU Kosice, Slovacia , ISBN 978-80-553-0846-3, 2011, pp. 247-252. | M., Vagaš, M., Šulík, D., F., Niculescu |
11 | Diagnosis and predictive maintenance of machinery and equipment, by vibration measuring | Conference Proceedings of Romanian Scientists productica Sticientific session, Vol.3, No.1 , ISSN 2067-2160, Mai 2011
| D., F., Niculescu, F., Iordache, A., D., Tufan, A., Ghionea, M., Zapciu, C., Bâşu |